In order to ensure that the differently abled children are not excluded from the general education system, the Government is providing special education through 72 Government and aided institutions for these children.
There are 22 Government special schools. Among them each 10 schools for the visually impaired and hearing impaired and one each for severely locomotors disabled and intellectual challenged Children.
The 22 government special schools which are functioning in the state includes 3 higher secondary schools for the visually impaired at poonamalle (Boys_, tiruchirappalli (Girls) and thanjavur (Boys and Girls) and 2 schools for hearing impaired at Dharmapuri and Thanjavur.

Visually Impaired

Hearing Impaired

Severely Mobility Impaired

Intellectually disabled

Directorate For Welfare of the differently Abled
Designed,Developed and Hosted By National Informatics Centre,Tamil Nadu State Centre,Chennai.

Last Update April 2024